Washmaster wash stations are the solution to your tool cleaning problems. Whether it is a limited supply of water, concern employees will clog drains, or EPA issues with disposal of waste mud from cleaning, Washmaster alleviates them.
Washmaster Pro is our newest wash station. Made for easy use and movement by one person it is tough enough to be on commercial jobs.
Washmaster Pro draws wash water from one tank while tools are cleaned in the second tank. The video shows how to use the Washmaster Pro and its features.
The Washmaster Pro uses the same rugged pump as the Washmaster I and II. The pump delivers a steady stream of 40 PSI water for cleaning tools. A pressure sensor in the pump turns it off when not in use.
Save time and money with the Washmaster Pro.
The Washmaster II is designed for larger jobs and those requiring HOT-mud. It is a two-man wash station. The large flat bottom top tank makes removal of hot-mud easy.
Washmaster II use is shown in the video. Also, the action of Washmaster Juice® separating mud and water is shown in real time.
Several manufacturers of modular homes have found the Washmaster II to be an ideal solution for their employees' cleanup needs. Because the mud is separated out of the water they have way less of a problem with oder from mold and mildew in the cleanup tanks.
Washmaster I is the first Washmaster wash station we designed. It is still a popular choice with drywallers.
Washmaster I uses a 15 gallon tank. The tank is designed to be moved when filled. The tank hood and front lip are there to avoid wash splashing and slopping of water when moved. The large tires aid in moving it through construction sites.
The 9-minute video shows using the Washmaster I and how quickly the Washmaster Juice separates out the drywall mud.
For detailed instructions on the use of Washmaster I see the manual. We have a copy on the SUPPORT page. The video shows cleaning an auto-taper using an additional bucket. It also shows how to easily empty the tank and remove waste mud, the stuff with clumps and other debris from cleaning tools.
This video shows Washmaster Juice in action. We think you will find it impressive.
Washmaster Juice has been tested with several different types and brands of mud. Not every brand or type. With all the brands we have tested, the Juice works well with only a little variation in the time needed to separate out the mud.
Washmaster Juice does not affect the mud. Nor does it discolor the mud. So, separated mud can be reclaimed and added back into the mixer. This reduces your disposal problems and the amount of mud needed per job.
We have a Material Data Safety Sheet on the Support page. The Juice is harmless to mud, pipping, and plants.